City mindmaps, problem analysis and concept development

We chose a few cities to analyse and brainstormed problems for each one. We then had a discussion about potential solutions for all the problems we had derived from all of the cities. 


I would like to start a "what if..." post here! Please add you ideas.

We walked on the top of the buildings to go to work?
We used the tube to move our waste out of the city?
We changed the citizens and not the cities? If you google "future cities" you get a rather pessimistic impression!

We built an underwater landmark? A whole underwater structure! Like for example... the city hall!


We started to develop the concept of the multi-purpose waste management facility. We've generally aimed this at Thessaloniki but it could be applied to a multitude of cities.

We'll continue to have a think over the weekend and we will discuss on Monday.

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